To use Let’s Coordinate, you need a linux OS with the following:
To start Let’s Coordinate, you first need to clone the letscoordinate git project:
git clone
Clone the operatorfabric-getting-started git project:
git clone
Copy files “web-ui.json”, “docker-compose.yml” and “favicon.ico” from “letscoordinate/test/prepare-opfab-env/opfab-config” directory and past them into “operatorfabric-getting-started/server”. Overwrite the existing files when asked!
In the directory “operatorfabric-getting-started/server” launch the following command:
You need to wait for all the services to start (it usually takes one minute to start), it is done when no more logs are written on the output (It could continue to log but slowly).
In a new terminal, position yourself in the “letscoordinate/bin” directory and run the following command:
This will start running the docker containers Kafka (port 9092), Zookeeper (port 2181), MariaDB (port 3306), the letsco-data-provider application (port 8082) and letsco-api application (port 8088).
In a new terminal, change directory to the “letscoordinate/letsco-front” module and execute the following commands:
npm install
ng serve
Download the latest karate.jar from Karate github release page
Put it in the “letscoordinate/test/prepare-opfab-env” directory, rename it to “karate.jar” to use it easily.
Position yourself in the “letscoordinate” root directory and run the following command:
This will create a new group, a new entity, and a new user associated to this group and this entity in the operator-fabric database, and will send the bundles to display the cards in OperatorFabric.
If you connect to OpFab (http://localhost:2002/ui/) with the user previously created in Keycloak, you should see the new card in the Feed.
Feel free to test the other json samples from the directory “letscoordinate/message_models/json/card_feed/”
To stop the application, we should start by stopping OperatorFabric and then Let’s Coordinate.
To stop OperatorFabric server, change directory to “operatorfabric-getting-started/server” and execute the following command:
docker-compose stop &
Position yourself in the “letscoordinate/bin” directory and run the following command:
./ stop
This will stop the letsco-api & letsco-data-provider processes, and stop the docker services (Kafka, Zookeeper, MariaDB).